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WinterDream: Character Interview

Portait Drawn by Aislinn Honeycutt

Introduce yourself. What is your name? Where are you from?

My name is Clara Stahlbaum, and I’m from St. Petersburg, Russia. I’m eight and ten years old, and live with my parents, and my younger brother Fritz, in a beautifully grand home.

How excited are you about the release of your story?

I’m quite excited to be honest! It was a thrilling adventure to live, and I’m honored to be able to share my story; and my Nutcracker’s story with the rest of the world! Perhaps a little nervous when I think about it too much. But it is my sincerest hope that “WinterDream” dazzles everyone who gives it a chance!

What is your favorite part of the holidays?

My father’s Christmas parties are my favorite part of the holiday. I enjoy the way the house is decorated with greens and holly. The tree is set with beautiful ornaments and the chef makes the most delicious food of the year. It is also the time that I get to see my Uncle Drosselmeyer, who travels to see us from Moscow. He always brings the most magical gifts. I can’t wait to see what he brings us each year!

What is your favorite Christmas cookie?

Pryaniki. It’s sort of a Russian Spice Cookie. Some people know it as “honey bread.” I really love it when our chef layers the cookies with creamy, wonderful vanilla icing. I usually have to grab a few before Fritz gets his hands on them and devours them all!

Without giving away any spoilers, what is one thing you’re excited for readers to read about?

The magical world of “WinterDream,” and the wonderful people who live there - and rule there. (Like my Nutcracker!)

Bonus Question: If you could have one thing for Christmas, what would it be?

I’d love to have more time to spend with my Uncle Drosselmeyer. I always enjoy his company, and I adore listening to his stories, and learning more about his toy-making. He lives such a fascinating life, and I much envy the freedom he possess.


Did you miss my review? You can find it here.

Catch more 25 Days of WinterDream with the author, Chantal Gadoury. Join in on the fun as we count own the days until the release of this new Nutcracker retelling, hitting shelves on November 27! Interested in a pre-order? You can do that now by visiting The Parliament House. Photo Credit: Aislinn Honeycutt

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